Category: Business
Entrepreneurs Roundtable 118 with Mikhail Gurevich NY Business TV
Mikhail Gurevich, Dominion Capital and Entrepreneurs Roundtable 118 with new real estate startups – Microsoft center, Times Square 11 Manhattan New York. Video Manhattan Business TV for Manhattan Business Club To hear about future events, please sign up at Organizer: Murat Aktihanoglu (@muratny) MANHATTAN BUSINESS CLUB NEW YORK USA
World Class Innovation,
9:30am to 1:00pm World Class Innovation, World Class Path-to-Market 101 6th Ave. New York, NY 10013
May 9 2018 Journalism Startups..
Journalism Startups: 2018 Showcase CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, 219 West 40th Street, New York, NY, US, 10018. 12:30 pm – 3 pm Journalism Startups: 2018 Showcase The 5th annual afternoon exhibition of the 12 media startup projects developed by the 2018 fellows of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism. Here’s a full list of the…
Youtubers Festival in NYC
August 25 2015 – Manhattan, New York hosts International Youtubers Fastival 42 Street Manhattan – YouTubersFest NYC 2018 is the First Youtube Festival of video culture on Manhattan and Brooklyn . Grandiose fest in NYC will open you new experience with YouTube stars and technologies. Manhattan Business Club – on of the Golden Sponsors Youtubers…
Today – Entrepreneurs Roundtable 118
6:00pm to 8:30pm Entrepreneurs Roundtable 118 11 Times Square (8th Ave between 41 and 42) New York, NY 10036
Yveline Dalmacy from Lotus Women Empowerment Network, INC ( speaks for New York May 7 2018 MANHATTAN BUSINESS CLUB NEW YORK
Techonomy NYC 18 May 8 – May 9 2018
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 – 8:30am to Wednesday, May 9, 2018 – 5:30pm The two-day conference looks at the technologies driving change in both business and society, the progress these technologies can create, and the potential peril that comes from missteps and unintended consequences. Blockchain for good, harnessing AI, VR and robotics, tech addiction, restraining…
Elon Musk’s Big Ambitions May Be Killing Tesla
Elon Musk is working simultaneously on a number of different projects. Distractions on these other businesses resulted in Tesla disappointing earnings that just came out. Production targets have been missed repeatedly. Can his promises be delivered? / CNBC
BEAUTYCON Apr 21 – Apr 22 2018
New York festival – Business with Javits Center MANHATTAN BUSINESS CLUB NYC
How Aileen Lee And All Raise Are Changing Venture Capitalism
All Raise is a group of 36 women making a Venture Capital Group. The group makes an example how by using a capitalism and good business they can drive a social change. They are making a significant change in the tech industry. Forbes