Category: Business
Fired Google Engineer James Damore: I Was Pointing Out Problems At Google
Fired Google Engineer James Damore shares his position about the memo he wrote and what lead to that. He feels that Google was not providing a healthy environment by not allowing employees express their own ponts of view. He feels that Google will address multiple issues and will allow its staff express their opinion./ CNBC
Companies that miss this digital transformation are gone: Tom Siebel
Retailers are going through the most fundamental transformation ever. Digital transormation is absolutely critical to their stair in business. Unless you embrace it, chances are extremely high the company will be out of business./ Fox Business
Amazon Launches ‘Instant Pickup’ Points
The possibility of being able to shop online without the wait of delivery is now a reality. According to Reuters, Amazon just rolled an “Instant Pick-up” program. Prime Members can now retireveitems immediately after placing an order./ CNBC
Federal Reserve rate hike probability declining?
Some major retail comoany stocks have been declining. No expected ground braeking from the Federal Reserve minutes. Is the current inflation level too low? The probability of the rate hike has been diminished, according to Wells Fargo/ Fox Business
Retail sales in US jump 0.6 percent
Kelly & Co. managing partner Kevin Kelly on retail sales in the U.S.. Fox Business video MIDTOWN TRIBUNE NEWS DIGEST MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA
The Rise of the Small Deal: Goldman Sachs’ John Waldron
For the fourth consecutive year, the total value of global M&A transactions is projected to surpass $3 trillion. But instead of being driven by large-scale consolidation, this year’s M&A environment has been characterized by smaller deals, says John Waldron, global co-head of the Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Division. He points to legislative gridlock in Washington…
President Donald Trump Gives a Statement on the Infrastructure Discussion
Manhattan, New York and Business Problem in Constructions – about permits and regulations . The White House official video. New York Manhattan Business Club
Costco to pay Tiffany at least $19.4M over counterfeit rings
Tiffany sued Costco over the counterfeit diamond rings and won $19.4M. Costcopland to appeal the verdict. They argue that Tiffany became a generic term./ Fox Buisness
Death of retail: Brands that bit the dust in 2017
Retail stores are closing at an alarming rate. More than 300 brands companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2017. With this growing trend what is the future of retail stores? / CNN Money
How One Brooklyn Mom Capitalized On The Unicorn Trend
One Brooklyn Mom launches a toy business from hoem. Now the products are sold in 300 stores worldwide. Great way to make money and spend time with her daughter who assists her in the business./Forbes