Category: Business
Ford unveils its new 2018 F-150 model
America’s best selling pick up F-150 has just unveiled its new 2018 Model. Greater power with better fuel economy, lower wieght, pedestrial detection and improved performance are great new charachteristics of the vehicle. Made of high-strength, military-grade aluminum alloy./ Fox Business
10 year anniversary of the Global Crisis
10 years ago a Global Financial Crisis began. Discussing the events that lead the crisis that had dramatic ramifications on the Global Economy. Conclusions to be drawn from what caused the Crisis,. CNBC Video
Talks at GS – Dan Schulman: The Democratization of Finance Goldman Sachs
The disruption of mobile is not only transforming retail and other industries, it is helping to democratize financial services, allowing payment to be more efficient and less expensive for the more than 2 billion globally outside the financial system. PayPal president and CEO Dan Schulman discusses the power of fintech, why even tech pioneers must…
Ten years ago , the Global Financial Crisis began.
CNN’s Richard Quest and Jim Boulden were on the front lines. They look back at the signs that went unseen, the lessons now learned and the things we may be doomed to repeat. NEW YORK MANHATTAN BUSINESS CLUB
Winning The Lotto Doesn’t Have As Much Value As You Think
Most of the people don’t realize that a huge chunk of their lottery winnings will be consumed by taxes. You either annuitize your winning or take a lump sum. Either way, after the payment of federal, state and local taxes the windfall can be cut by almost 50%!/ CNBC Video
IRS head needs to go- Rep. K. Brady
Rep. Kevin Brady talks about scrubbing and eliminating multiple loopholes, exemptions, deductions that raise taxes. We need to lower the rates and make them competitive. It is not an easy task but is necessary to keep the economy growing./ Fox Buisness
Bikes’ rentals are spreading all over China.
Bikes’ rentals are spreading like the wild fire all across China. Riding a bike in major Chinese cities, though, is not for a faint of heart. Riders have to deal on the regular basis with motorists refusing to yield to them. Bike sharing services definitely contribute to reducing pollution, but can inevitably lead to a…
With ‘Watch,’ Facebook challenges YouTube video
CNN Tech’s Samuel Burke explains why Facebook’s move to host original content from video partners may mean bad news for free platforms like YouTube. CNNMoney video NEW YORK MANHATTAN BUSINESS CLUB
Vanessa Stofenmacher: My Car Is My Escape Pod – Relentless
Vanessa Stofenmacher talks about the busy schedule of the enterpreneur. Work in the office, shuttling between the assignments, visiting retail store. Overcoming lots of challenges, addressing multiple issues-that’s what is takes to stay on the top./ Forbes TV
Britain puts animal fat in its cash
Traces of fat can be found in the new 5 and 10 pound notes. Vegetarian and some religious froups in the UK have been protesting. Bank of Englad could not find better alternatives as the plastic cash lasts 2.5 times longer. /CNN Money