Miguel Dobrich Camps Amenaza Roboto

Miguel Dobrich Camps Amenaza Roboto

Montevideo, Uruguay @migueldobrich www.dobcast.uy www.amenazaroboto.com

Miguel Dobrich is a journalist and educator based in Montevideo. Miguel currently serves as founder and CEO of Dobcast, a spanish language podcast platform. At Dobcast he hosts Montevideo No (a pod with incredible guests from all over the spanish and portuguese speaking world) and El Norte es el Sur, a video show where the viewer gets an opportunity to sit in on a private conversation about music, life, and craft with key South American artists.

Since 2008, Dobrich works as a columnist for No Toquen Nada, the leading radio show of Uruguay. He is a Master’s in Latin American Literature candidate at UDELAR and works as a Contemporary Cinema professor at the Licenciatura en Medios Audiovisuales (IENBA UDELAR). He released his first book, La Intemperie, in 2009.

Project: Amenaza Roboto: a platform that will provide Latin American and global tech news, podcasts and videos for techies and business people who need to upgrade from analog to digital (https://goo.gl/Noj9Gb)

start-up MEETUP May 9 2018 Manhattan New York
Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism



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